
The boat-billed heron (Cochlearius cochlearius), colloquially known as the boatbill. Love the crest. 😍


This looks like a bird dressed up as a bird! It’s ready to go out to the dance!

@CriticalCupcake that’s a cool bird, but it also looks like it could kill you πŸ˜‚

@FPonTheDL I fear they might have a good go if you irk them, heh, they remind me of Rod Hull and Emu.

@CriticalCupcake *RUNS AWAY* πŸ˜‚ Their beak reminds me of that massive exotic bird that killed his owner in Florida. Do you know which one I mean?

@CriticalCupcake @mcfate It’s true. Geese are the biggest assholes ever πŸ˜…

@FPonTheDL @mcfate @CriticalCupcake I’m a bird person, and I’m afraid of geese. Also roosters.

@FPonTheDL hehe, I don't, don't think I ever heard about that.

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