
Wandered over to the Bird app to do some unfollowing and blocking and such. It's a weird combo of blue checks and big accounts yelling about staying and fighting fascism and accounts posting slurs and creepy memes.

Starting to wonder if they know it's social media and not the beaches of Normandy.


Best way to fight fascism is to get off media run by fascists. Let them have their echo chamber. They will get bored, and Twitter will die. This eill happen faster than they think.

@Cosmichomicide it really amazes me how I’ve seen people go from normal to radicalized on Twitter. The worst part is they say they’re centre. They don’t even realize it. They say it’s “debating and understanding the other side”. Uhm, how is understanding extremists a debate? If you understand them, you start becoming them.

@Cosmichomicide right? My tweets have never once made an impact on whether someone votes nor whom they vote for. Not once. I have gotten rape and death threats there, but I have never changed a single mind.

My postcards to voters might have motivated someone to vote. And my door-to-door canvassing might have gotten someone to vote.

Social media is about conversing and sometimes about venting into the void. It is not about winning political battles.

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