I was blowing on my hot coffee and not looking at the cup cause coso and approached at the wrong angle causing a super hot droplet of coffee to fly info my open eye and AHHHHHH
@kay_dub I should rethink my resume when I can see properly again. 😂
@Coffee_and_Salt owwwwwww
@Coffee_and_Salt Are you awake now though?
@AskTheDevil so completely the hell awake. Who needs caffeine? Hot liquid, right to the globe.
@Coffee_and_Salt I am sorry that happened. Will laughing with you help? : )
@AskTheDevil oh it absolutely will. But given your handle I have to ask, did you have anything to do with it?
@Coffee_and_Salt I did not. It's okay, it's a fair question. But I assure you, most of the stories are just mean girl gossip.
@AskTheDevil you know, I believe that without hesitation.
@Coffee_and_Salt I always hesitate before I believe things, because it's kinda my thing, but thank you! : )
@AskTheDevil “who hesitates is lost..” oh I get it now.
@Coffee_and_Salt And I didn't fall, I jumped!
@AskTheDevil I jump too but like, usually it’s to stop me from falling… so good choice. I don’t think people talk enough about your good decisions.
@Coffee_and_Salt And you're a professional!