RIP @Agatha. We barely knew ye.
As an X, he can't hurt me more than when I saw Judas Priest being used to sell minivans.
@Agatha ….. no…. No. really….?
That’s like when Alice cooper was selling insurance…
What?? Noooooo!
@Agatha nope. I said nothing. Don’t know what I’m talking about ignore me completely?
Just watch Feed My Frankenstein and don’t think about it.
@Agatha this feels wrong. This feels very wrong.
@Agatha and since we are down this road….
Hearing aids for twisted sister anyone?
Oh this is bullshit. But I'll console myself with the reminder that these artists are BOOMERS. 😂
@Agatha is it weird that I just kinda want a pair for general environmental awareness? Like I want some for walking the dog at night.
Used to walk the dog while listening to true crime podcasts with earbuds in.
People have gotten too weird. Now I want hearing enhancers so I know if my crazy neighbor is sneaking up on me. 😂
Maybe too many podcasts…
And all I want is to not hear them at all! 😂
@Agatha well according to this commercial that where we are headed…
Too many shows too close to the speakers.
29...again. 😂
I'm sending this to my husband. 😇