Should old fiction books be edited to remove racist or otherwise offensive language and/or depictions.
@singlemaltgirl "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." I first read this on the sleeve of the Dead Kennedys album "Fresh Fruits for Rotten Vegetables". It's somewhere here. @Coctaanatis
@Coctaanatis Books are wrote for the time. I would want a modern book with legal drug use to be rewrote for the anti legal states.
Maybe a "revised" version but an original still available to reflect the time in which it was written.
I still remember reading Foundation in high school and we had 2 different editions in the class. One said the empire will collapse in 1000 years, the newer edition said 400. Who would have thought a book revision would contain a spoiler
I’m not a fan of perpetuating stereotypes. I’m also not a fan of censorship.
Context matters in all things.
Did I say “n****r” as a child? Yes. It was the 60’s in the South and that was what my peers said. It took my parents to educate me that it was wrong and offensive.
Do I say queer? Yes. It is, again, what my peers say, but in a different context.
Context is complicated. Simple solutions shouldn’t be applied to complex issues.
@Coctaanatis books are a reflection of their times. it's like trying to erase history b/c you're uncomfortable w/ it. but sorry, we need to own the shit that was popularized in our civilization in time.
and also, see it as a measure of how far we've come.