
When listening to audiobook fiction, who are the best and worst professional narrators you've encountered?

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Lesley Manville I thought did an excellent job narrating Thursday Murder Club. I'm new(ish) to audiobooks and don't know if she's a professional narrator tho.

As far as worst - I'll have to think. Probably most authors who do their own narration.

@ellesu I think there's a group of professional narrators who really excel at it. Celebrity narrators are a mixed bag. Authors are generally poor narrators. And there are narrators who sound like they're narrating a documentary. For example, Michener's books are rendered un-listenable by Larry McKeever.

I'm somewhat surprised that AI hasn't established a serious foothold, yet.


Give AI time. They're probably working on it. ๐Ÿ˜‰


This is good info to keep in mind as I wade into the audiobook waters. Narration can sometimes make or break a book for me.

@Coctaanatis okay okay okay โ€” Will Patton is AMAZING. Also, Joel Richards, and Tim Gerard Reynolds are fabulous.

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