We will never sell you. Ever.
That's one of many excellent reasons to consider going Pro.
We will never sell you. Ever.
That's one of many excellent reasons to consider going Pro.
Seasoned CounterSocial users will apply some version of the following criteria:
1. Community abuse, including misinformation: Block & Report
2. Rude, uncool, or downright disagreeable: Block
3. Extremely annoying: Mute
4. Moderately annoying: Soft Mute
5. Mildly annoying: Ignore.
What you see is entirely up to you, and all of this is typically done without drama of any kind.
Have you tried our swanky new "Simplified Mode"? This aptly named desktop feature is a lovely single-column layout that is super familiar and simple to use!
To turn it on, click on the CounterSocial logo then choose "Simplified Mode" from the main menu. #CoSoTips
What do you like about CounterSocial? Tell us with the hashtag #CoSoRocks
You shouldn't be exploited.
Not by manipulative algorithms. Not by malicious foreign influence operators. Not by abusive asshats. Not by companies milking you for ad impressions or their social media abettors.
You should be safe. We've spent five years keeping it that way.
For you. #CoSoTips
This .gif is deliberately pretty annoying, but it's for a good cause. If you look really closely, you will see an eye icon in the top left corner.
Tap that, and the image is hidden.
Presto! That's one less annoyance in your day! #CoSoTips
Note: Misinformation is a violation of CounterSocial's Terms of Service, so don't hesitate to report that too.
They say we can't have nice things. They're wrong. This is how we maintain nice things. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial has a zero-tolerance policy towards community abuse. If you suspect that you are being harrassed, you are obligated to report the offending account immediately.
Upon doing so, we suggest that you sit back and watch. They're usually in minutes. #CoSoTips
Don't feel up for posting about stuff you like? We've got you covered. Check out our list of popular hashtags. Search for these in the Search box to find others who share your interests. #CoSoTips
How to win at CounterSocial:
Post about the stuff you like. That's it.
You'll find others who like that stuff, and before you know it you'll have an awesome group of new friends. #CoSoTips
You shouldn't be exploited.
Not by manipulative algorithms. Not by malicious foreign influence operators. Not by abusive asshats. Not by companies milking you for ad impressions or their social media abettors.
You should be safe. We've spent five years keeping it that way.
For you. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial has been here for over five years, building a community on the simple notion that people should be free to be people without being exploited online.
There's no bots, no trolls, and no ads. Five years, 100% community powered. If you haven't already, please consider going Pro. #CoSoTips
"Why is it so darn nice here?"
Several reasons. The biggest is that we do not tolerate community abuse of any kind, but there are also core design features that makes things nicer here.
For example, there is no equivalent of a "quote tweet" on CoSo. If you want to comment on someone else's content, you pretty much have to reply. That alone mitigates a lot of abuse. #CoSoTips
Notice: Our plan to release oversized cracked-egg balloons with the CoSo logo emblazoned upon them has been cancelled for obvious reasons. #CoSoTips
If you came here to abuse this community—or any subset thereof—then we don't even have time to tell you what's going to happen to you. #CoSoTips
"Why do I need to disable ad blockers on CounterSocial?"
This is a side effect of our commitment to keeping you safe. In order to serve similar features, most websites will scrape sensitive metadata from your device then store it on their servers.
CounterSocial does not do this. Everything about your session is stored on your device. Disabling ad blockers ensures that we can use what we need, and only while you are actively connected to CoSo. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.