@CoSoTips How do I mute @FrankCannon IRL though? He's singing, man.
@awnaves From most aggressive to least:
1. A very large hammer.
2. Duct tape.
3. Excessive volume on the TV or radio.
4. Run an errand.
5. Headphones.
6. Ear plugs.
@CoSoTips Thanks! I'm off to find the sledgehammer.
@CoSoTips @awnaves @FrankCannon ~ I read that as Frank is the least aggressive, since he's at the bottom of the list. Could be true. I don't know.
@awnaves Puddin is pretty spot on.
@Toni_Walker @CoSoTips
@CoSoTips I just recently blocked my first troll on CoSo and it actually made me sad to do it. But it was one of those where someone challenges you to “show your work” on a widely and east recognized fact, as though it’s my job to prove reality to him. That’s Bird App behavior.
I blocked my first tit girl today. Didn’t think they’d migrate to #coso for some odd reason.
Similar but more blatant.
@CoSoTips 😂 😂 It's like you know me.
I have fewer steps. No drama.
@CoSoTips It's what makes CoSo golden.
Seasoned CounterSocial users will apply some version of the following criteria:
1. Community abuse, including misinformation: Block & Report
2. Rude, uncool, or downright disagreeable: Block
3. Extremely annoying: Mute
4. Moderately annoying: Soft Mute
5. Mildly annoying: Ignore.
What you see is entirely up to you, and all of this is typically done without drama of any kind.