If you came here to troll this community, then we don't even have time to tell you what's going to happen to you. #CoSoTips
When I joined CoSo back in November, the first thing that struck me was the sense of community.
It was like walking into a coffee shop full of good friends, the camaraderie was obvious.
To my amazement, I was welcomed right in. Before I knew it, someone offered me a seat at the table, asked if I'd tried the muffins, and commented on the book I was reading.
I share more of myself here than anywhere else, and I love what you share with me.
Thanks for taking me in! 😊 🐿️
CounterSocial is unique in the social media space. You are not a product to be sold. There are no ads, no bots, no trolls, and no high-profile grifters exploiting you for clicks, likes, and revenue.
We are a community of real individuals who are tired of being taken advantage of online. It's what we've been for over five years, and it's why most of us call this place home. #CoSoTips
Our intrepid AI assistant Alfred has been getting upgrades, and that has made him everyone's new favorite toy. It was the same when he was first created, but you can make him go away.
1. Mute @Alfred
2. Add a whole-word filter for the term "@Alfred" (For best results, Drop instead of Hide.)
3. Double-check to make sure that your filter does not contain a space.
These steps should have your timelines free from both Alfred inquiries, and his awesome replies. #CoSoTips
Filters can also be temporary, set to expire from "30 minutes" to "Never".
Use Filters if you'd rather not see queries made of our intrepid AI Alfred—or anything else that you'd rather not see. #CoSoTips
Did you know that you can use the "Drop instead of Hide" setting on new filters to omit filtered results from your timeline without displaying the "Filtered" placeholder?
It's true! #CoSoTips
#CoSoTips Did you know that you could add gifs to your avatar and your profile banner? This is why I love CoSo. <3
There's no ambiguity in the CounterSocial Terms of Service. They've been consistently applied for over five years.
You should read them if you haven't, but they basically come down to a simple, easy-to-understand premise:
Don't be an a**hole. #CoSoTips
We will never sell you. Ever.
That's one of many excellent reasons to consider going Pro.
We will never sell you. Ever.
That's one of many excellent reasons to consider going Pro.
@awnaves From most aggressive to least:
1. A very large hammer.
2. Duct tape.
3. Excessive volume on the TV or radio.
4. Run an errand.
5. Headphones.
6. Ear plugs.
Seasoned CounterSocial users will apply some version of the following criteria:
1. Community abuse, including misinformation: Block & Report
2. Rude, uncool, or downright disagreeable: Block
3. Extremely annoying: Mute
4. Moderately annoying: Soft Mute
5. Mildly annoying: Ignore.
What you see is entirely up to you, and all of this is typically done without drama of any kind.
Have you tried our swanky new "Simplified Mode"? This aptly named desktop feature is a lovely single-column layout that is super familiar and simple to use!
To turn it on, click on the CounterSocial logo then choose "Simplified Mode" from the main menu. #CoSoTips
What do you like about CounterSocial? Tell us with the hashtag #CoSoRocks
You shouldn't be exploited.
Not by manipulative algorithms. Not by malicious foreign influence operators. Not by abusive asshats. Not by companies milking you for ad impressions or their social media abettors.
You should be safe. We've spent five years keeping it that way.
For you. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.