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Did you know that you can see CounterSocial's aggregated user and server metrics at any time? It's true!

Are you confused by the interface here? We admit, it can be a lot to get used to.

Here's a handy overview. We hope it helps!

If it doesn't, try using the mobile app. It's streamlined for ease of use.

How to win at CounterSocial:

1. Crack that egg. Find yourself a lovely profile picture that's under 2MB and apply it in your profile settings.
2. Consider adding a post about yourself to .
3. Don't worry about like and follower counts. They're meaningless here.
4. Post about the stuff you like, and the rest will follow.

Welcome to better social media. We think you'll like it here.

CounterSocial is 100% community funded.

If you believe in an ad-free, troll-free, bot-free social media experience that is committed to keeping you safe and does not weaponize algorithms to turn you into a product to be sold, please consider going Pro.

It's basically the PBS of social media, and it's counting on you!

"Wall of Entropy is cool, but WHY!?"

To learn more than you will probably ever need to know about how randomization is used to generate extremely strong encryption, read more about Cloudflare's famous Wall of Lava Lamps, which inspired CounterSocial's WOE.

The idea here is much the same, except we're using your Wall of Entropy (WOE) to create the same sorts of random signatures that help to keep you secure.

Why go Pro? There are lots of very good reasons. Beyond supporting an ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media oasis, Pro allows you to set a "Public Landing Page" (PLP) and have a profile that's visible to the outside world.

It also gives you greater control over post visibility and expiration. Pro users can limit their posts to followers only, delist posts from the public timelines, send direct messages, and even set post timers that make posts self-delete after a set interval.

You probably already think that CounterSocial is cool, but did you know that YOU have YOUR OWN personal Wall of Entropy? It's true!

You're here, now what?

1. Crack that egg! Find a rad profile picture that's under 2MB, hop into your profile settings, and make it you.
2. Consider posting to . You're among real people here.
3. Don't fret over follower counts or number of likes. Post about what you enjoy, and the rest will follow.

Welcome to CounterSocial. We think you'll love it here.

Reminder: The % funded indicator still reflects operational costs as they were before a malevolent billionaire tried to drown us.

We have expanded capacity several times over since then. It's on the list of things to update, but it's definitely deeper than it appears to be.

CounterSocial doesn't charge for an edit button, because we have something better:

Delete and redraft!

You'll find this in the post options, and it's available for free for all accounts.

Are you annoyed by that .gif or image that another user has posted? There's an easy fix for that!

In the upper-left corner of the image, click on the eye icon to toggle visibility on uploaded media files.

"Why does CounterSocial require a Pro account for premium features?"

Short version: Operating this space is not free.

Longer version: Many of the features that are paywalled can be exploited by bad actors. To limit this, we require that you make a small investment to support the community before you can use them.

It's a core decision that helps to keep this community safe, and we feel pretty good about it, all things considered.

CounterSocial is extremely transparent about the data it collects, and you are welcome to peruse this data at any time.

Check out the various dashboards to learn more about user metrics, stack cluster performance, and other aggregated information. It's a data geek's dream!

"What's a :trollsplat:?"

"Trollsplat" is one of our favorite custom emojis, of which there are several. It indicates that an unfortunate miscreant has violated the TOS and was summarily banned.

On CounterSocial, we have a zero-tolerance policy towards community abuse. If you see someone behaving badly, report them and wait for the inevitable :trollsplat:.

It usually happens within minutes.

"Why do I need a Pro account to send Direct Messages!?"

If you really think about it, DMs are a huge vector for abuse on other social media sites. To mitigate this, CounterSocial requires you to have made a small investment in the community before you can privately contact other members.

Luckily, going Pro also comes with a bevy of other awesome features that makes it worth every penny.

"How can I create a column of my favorite stuff?"

For now, this is a desktop feature. Search for a hashtag you love, then click on it. Pin it as a new column.

From there, click on the sliders icon, toggle the radio button, and add as many hashtags as you'd like. You can also specify hashtags to omit. It's an epic way to curate your experience here.

Did you know that you have complete control over how Notifications are displayed for you? It's true!

Have you ever thought that things would be nicer if certain topics simply went away?

Lucky for you, CounterSocial supports FILTERS. Hop into your preferences and click on the Filters option. From there, you can add any number filters to curate your experience however you choose.

"Where are the .gifs!?"

For now, you've got to do .gifs old school. Head to and download your favorite .gif. For best results, use the .mp4 version. Then, upload your .gif as a media attachment here using the camera icon in the post editor.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.