"What's a ?"
"Trollsplat" is one of our favorite custom emojis, of which there are several. It indicates that an unfortunate miscreant has violated the TOS and was summarily banned.
On CounterSocial, we have a zero-tolerance policy towards community abuse. If you see someone behaving badly, report them and wait for the inevitable .
It usually happens within minutes. #CoSoTips
@CoSoTips What constitutes abuse? I've left snarky tw**ts and been fine but have been banned on other forums for the same type of humor. Abuse, to me, is when it is an obvious attack on a person which is uncool.
@CoSoTips I witnessed a myself. There was this new account that insisted that i send him a photo of myself. I didnt report the account my self, but it was a matter of few mintunes and the account was
@CoSoTips Good to know