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"What does SANITIZER mean?"

CounterSocial cares about your security. When you post a URL, the sanitizer will scrub personally identifiable information from your links. It also removes all metadata from your pictures.

If you ever wish to post a URL with tags intact, just add "nosanitize" (without quotes) to any part of the post text.

We don't have an edit button, but that's because we have something better.

Delete and Redraft! Also, it's free for all users.

Since we never gathered your personal information, we can never exploit your personal information.

"I love this post, but the boost button has been replaced with a lock. Why?"

Pro users can adjust how their posts are shared here. If they're "Unlisted" or "Followers Only", then you can't boost them.

At the bottom of every post, there are four choices: Reply, Boost, Like, and Options.

• Reply lets you, you guessed it, reply. The number will show either zero replies, 1 reply, or 1+ replies.
• Boost lets you amplify a post. It will only show up in the feed of those who are following you.
• Like is how you express approval for a post. It's good to be generous with these.
• Options is where you can expand the status, mute the conversation, and other things.

Fun Fact: Mayflies have a lifespan of ~24 hours, which is orders of magnitude longer than a CounterSocial troll. :trollsplat:

Are you finding the desktop experience to be too complicated? That's alright! It does take some getting used to.

You can enable "Ostrich Mode" in your settings, or use the mobile app. You can also "trick" your browser into displaying mobile through the Developer Tools. Press CTRL + SHIFT + I, then click on the little mobile icon at the top of the code bar.

You've just tried to access CounterSocial, and you saw this instead. What gives?

This entire platform is managed by one man, and he sometimes takes the site offline to improve things or add capacity.

Take it as a sign that things are getting better all the time.

Wondering how to do .gifs? They haven't been baked into the interface yet, so we're doing them "old school."

Head to, then find and download the .gif you want. (If it's over 8MB, choose the .mp4 version.) Hop back over here, upload it, and presto .gif-o.

Why does CounterSocial charge $5 for a Pro account?

Because unlike social media everywhere else, you are not a product to be sold here. Like what you see? Consider going Pro.

The difference between paying $5 for a Pro account here and $20 for a verified account there is that this place doesn't monetize everything about you.

What is a :trollsplat:, anyways?

You probably didn't read the Terms of Service when you got here, but it is very clear about community abuse. When someone violates the rules, they get banned. Immediately.

There's a lot happening here, and it can be intimidating for new users. Here's a few to help you manage your experience.

1. Enable 'Ostrich Mode'. It will declutter the interface by removing the news ticker, sentiment meter, channels, and COSOCOM.
2. Unpin the Community Firehose. You can still drop back in to the stream of consciousness at any time.
3. Consider using the mobile apps. They're streamlined, sleek, and efficient.

Did you know that Pro users can control post visibility? It's true!

If you don't want your finest thoughts spilling all over the public timelines, there are options for that.

It seems like a lot at first, but trust us. It'll be second nature in no time.

Welcome to CounterSocial. We're glad you're here!

You probably didn't read the Terms of Service here, but it's really clear about community abuse.

If you're an asshat here, you get banned. Pretty much immediately. :trollsplat:

"Why do I have to pay to send DM's?"

There are several features that require a Pro account here because those features require extra bandwidth and storage ($$$). Direct messaging is one of them.

Of course, you aren't just getting DMs. Your $5 gives you a trove of really awesome features. Which ones? We're glad you asked!

Why are your pictures showing up sideways?

It's part of how CounterSocial keeps you safe. When you upload a picture, it scrubs all of the metadata, including orientation.

You can fix this by making a minor edit to the photo and uploading that, or by taking your pictures in landscape orientation.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.