To be perfectly clear, there is no deliberation and no appeals process. Reported trolls disappear. Not days or weeks later, but immediately.
There's a long-running joke here that even mayflies marvel at the short lifespan of a CounterSocial troll. #CoSoTips
You probably already think that CounterSocial is super cool, but did you know that YOU have your very own Wall of Entropy? It's true! #CoSoTips
Did you know that you can keep tabs on CounterSocial's growth as it happens? It's true! #CoSoTips
Are you worried about spamming potential followers with your erudite pontifications about all of the things you like?
One of the many Pro features can help with that. As a Pro user, you can set post visibility so that your finest thoughts don't spam the main timeline at all.
Seasoned users will make their first post public, and then delist their own replies. #CoSoTips
"This place looks like Mastodon... 🤔"
In the beginning, CounterSocial was a federated Mastodon instance just like any other. So what happened? Here's the history of how Mastodon broke their own license and forced us to fork them. #CoSoTips
You probably have an occasion that you celebrate in which gifts are exchanged.
That's what 500 server errors represent for us.
It means that we're getting new goodies from our founder. If you see one, take it a sign that it's time to re-up your favorite beverage and check back later. #CoSoTips
"Is it really worth it to go Pro?"
We're a little biased, but we sure think so.
CounterSocial is a social media oasis completely free from ads, trolls, bots, and abuse of any kind. Your personal information will never be sold, because you never gave it to us. Even Pro membership is handled via secure third-party payment processing.
Your Pro membership gives you a bevy of benefits you won't find anywhere else, while helping to keep us 100% community-powered. It's worth every penny. #CoSoTips
Have you joined us from Twitter, but aren't quite sure how to tell your people where you've gone? If so, we have just the thing for you!
This custom header and avatar will have you sharing your new home with style. #CoSoTips
Profile Picture:
"Why are my pictures showing up sideways?!"
For your safety, CounterSocial automatically scrubs your media to remove all metadata—including orientation. You can fix this in one of two ways:
1. Make a minor edit to your picture (crop, resize, etc.) before uploading it here.
2. Take your photos in landscape orientation in the first place.
You probably already think that CounterSocial is cool, but have you checked out YOUR Wall of Entropy lately?
That's right. Yours. #CoSoTips
We don't have an Edit button, because what we have is even better. Click on the Post Options button on your own post, then hit Delete and re-draft.
Even free accounts have this awesome feature. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial has seen a 20% increase in its user base in three days. We are experiencing as many 400 new accounts per hour. It is an insane amount of growth in a very short period of time.
If you were hanging out with a spinning atom for a minute, that's why. Please be patient. Good things take time. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial has three levels of difficulty:
1. Default Desktop mode. All of the bells and whistles.
2. Desktop Ostrich mode. Just the columns. (See below.)
3. Mobile mode. Streamlined for ease of use.
Pick the one that provides the best experience for you! #CoSoTips
You just got here, now what?
Find an image that's under 2MB and crack that egg by updating your profile. Next, consider posting something about yourself to #introductions. Finally, ask if you have questions. You won't find a more helpful community anywhere.
Welcome to CoSo. We're glad you're here!
We see you recommending #CoSoTips to new users, and it fills us with pride.
The welcoming and helpful atmosphere is a core part of CounterSocial culture, and many of you are carrying that torch with aplomb.
You do not need a Pro account to include links to your other social media presences in your CounterSocial profile.
Just use the "Profile Metadata" to add up to four entires. This metadata can contain whatever you want. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial provides Two-factor Authentication, and you should definitely use it.
To set it up, head into your Settings, and tap on Two-factor Auth in the Account menu. #CoSoTips
Did you know that CounterSocial has shortcut keys? It's true!
Press the question mark key while not authoring a post (?) to see a complete list. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.