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"CounterSocial should ADVERTISE!"

Probably, but that isn't really our style. We've spent over five years growing through simple word-of-mouth and it has created a downright awesome community.

That said, we are not above giving you everything you need to spread the good word. Here are some assets that may help. Our media kit may also be found below.

CounterSocial has been consistently getting better for over five years.

There are no bots, no ads, and no trolls. You will never be the product to be sold here because this community is powered by you.

If you haven't already, please consider going Pro.

There are many social media sites. This one is ours, and there's nothing else quite like it. If you appreciate the ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media oasis that is CounterSocial, please consider going Pro.

Can't do it? We don't mind. Your contribution is appreciated in whatever form it takes.

It's the last day of the month. Running this ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media oasis is not free. It requires resources and it is 100% community powered by users just like you.

Please consider going Pro if you can, and no worries if you can't. Your contribution is appreciated in whatever form it takes.

CounterSocial has been improving non-stop for over five years, building bespoke customizations for our amazing users and creating a combined featureset that does not exist anywhere else.

If you appreciate this ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media oasis as much as we do, please consider going Pro. We're 100% powered by you.

A friendly reminder for no particular reason that you DO have an option in your settings to Always Hide All Media.

Facebook has been blocking links to CounterSocial for at least two years, but they probably won't stop you from sharing this great picture with your cool friends.

CounterSocial is made possible by users like you.

Thank you!

CounterSocial is unlike any social media experience online. There are no bots, no trolls, and no ads. You are not a product to be sold, and your safety is our top priority.

We have been called "the PBS of social media" because we are 100% funded by our community. If you appreciate the difference as much as we do, please consider going Pro.

CounterSocial is an ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media oasis that goes to extraordinary lengths to protect its community from all kinds of nefarious badness online. If you're as grateful as we are, please consider going Pro.

COSOGUARD is a benefit of Pro membership that scans the dark web for the email address you used when you registered your CounterSocial account. If it finds a hit, it notifies you of the breach.

Pro users can check this by clicking on the little identity icon in the top left of your profile.

It takes a village, and CounterSocial is no exception. If you are appreciating this ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media oasis, please consider going Pro. You are not the product to be sold here. The server lights only stay on through the generous contributions of our amazing users.

"Soft mute" means that you won't see their posts unless they mention you. To turn it on, make sure the radio button is unchecked when muting a user.

CounterSocial has no algorithm, which means it's on you to curate your experience. Add filters for topics you'd prefer not to see. Soft mute people who annoy you. Hard mute or block people who you find to be disagreeable and report anyone who is violating the terms of service.

Ours is a community. Keeping it that way takes effort on the part of each user, but it is well worth it.

You can't post links to CounterSocial on Twitter, but you can probably post this cute picture of a cartoon gorilla named Gippy.¹

¹ At your own risk, because Elon Musk is very thin-skinned and will probably ban you for it.

Give yourself the gift of a Pro membership for the Holidays!

In addition to a bevy of features you won't find anywhere else, you'll also feel good knowing that you are supporting the internet's only ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media outlet that does not treat you like a product to be sold.

"Why are my pictures uploading sideways?"

Long version: CounterSocial has an embedded feature called the SANITIZER which scrubs your uploaded media of all metadata, including orientation. To fix it, make a minor edit to your photo before uploading. (Crop, resize, recolor, etc.) Or:

Short version: You're taking your photos with your device in the wrong orientation.

Direct links to CounterSocial can no longer be posted to Twitter or Facebook. We suspect it's because their leaders are compensating for something very, very small. :tinydick:

If you'd like to tell your people there that you're now hanging out here, check our profile for a custom header and avatar, or share this image which is still allowed... for now.

CounterSocial is not Mastodon. While we initially began as part of the fediverse, they forced us to hard fork them five years ago. We have since grown to become a feature-rich social media oasis that is unlike anything anywhere else, and we haven't looked back.

Learn more about the history via the link below.

It's nice not having to battle a suppressive algorithm just to be heard, isn't it?

If you appreciate the difference, please consider going Pro. You are not a product to be sold here, and maintaining an ad-free, troll-free, bot-free social media oasis is only possible with the support of users like you.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.