Facebook has been forbidding any mention of the CounterSocial website for the past several months. We suspect it's because they're terrified of little old us.
They can stop our website address from showing up in posts and messages, but they can't stop you from sharing this image if you'd like to invite the cool people you know there to come and check us out here. #CoSoTips
"Why is this place always hitting me up for funding?"
CounterSocial is social media like no other. There are no bots, no trolls, and no ads. Absolutely NONE of your metadata is collected here. On CoSo, your security is our top priority and YOU are not a product to be sold.
That cannot be said of any other social media platform, and it has kept us community funded for over five years. Want to help? Consider going Pro. #CoSoTips
Would you like to never hear about Elon Musk or Twitter ever again? We've got just the thing for you! Show more
All CounterSocial accounts can now enable a PUBLIC LANDING PAGE. This setting is disabled by default to protect your privacy, however if you'd like to make your profile available to the open internet, you can now turn it on via your Profile settings.
This feature is now available to both Basic and Pro accounts, free of charge. #CoSoTips
Why go Pro? Beyond supporting an ad-free, troll-free, bot-free social media oasis that does not exploit you as a product to be sold, you also get that rarified "blue check" and a litany of amazing features. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial highly recommends setting up TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION to keep your account secure. Download the Google Authenticator app, then click on the link below to set up yours. #CoSoTips
You probably already think that CounterSocial is cool, but did you know that you have your very own Wall of Entropy that's helping to keep your account safe? It's true! #CoSoTips
Basically us, looking for the reason for our sudden, utterly unexplainable rise in popularity.
Thank you so much for your continued patience and support. It means the world to us. #CoSoTips
"Where are all of the trolls?"
CounterSocial has a zero-tolerance policy towards community abuse. It is a core feature that keeps this place awesome, backed by a community of amazing people who readily report abusive behavior.
If you see a troll, please report them immediately. This can be done from their profile, or from the offending post itself. #CoSoTips
Hold your mouse cursor over our avatar.
If you'd like for .gifs to always auto-play, you can find that setting towards the bottom of your Preferences. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial is the PBS of social media, and is made possible by users like you. If you appreciate an ad-free, troll-free, bot-free social media oasis that does not exploit you as a product to be sold, please consider going Pro.
Can't go Pro? No one will judge you. Your contribution is appreciated in whatever form it takes. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial does not exploit you as a product to be sold. To accomplish this rarity in the social media space, we rely on our amazing community.
If you're enjoying our bot-free, troll-free, ad-free social media oasis, please consider going Pro. #CoSoTips
"How do I tell my friends on Facebook to find me here?"
Facebook is currently blocking all mentions of the https://counter.social website address, but they can't stop you from posting this handy picture all about it. #CoSoTips
We could write a lengthy "HOW STUFF WORKS" post that sheds light on what happens when website infrastructure is suddenly inundated with tens of thousands of new users, but it would frankly be very boring.
Instead, we will simply ask once again for your patience as we work to rapidly expand and remind you that growing pains are not unique to CounterSocial. #CoSoTips
Unlike elsewhere, CounterSocial isn't big on drama. If you see anyone who you consider to be disagreeable, you are encouraged to quietly make them disappear. You have three options:
1. Block. This person disappears, and they can't see you.
2. Mute. This person disappears, but they can still see you.
3. Soft Mute. This person disappears until they mention you.
People are like flavors. You won't like them all, and they won't all like you. Skip the drama. Use the tools. #CoSoTips
Did you notice a Cloudflare error? That's because CounterSocial is currently experiencing a massive influx of new accounts and is rapidly expanding capacity to make room for our new friends.
Take it as a sign that it's time to re-up your beverage of choice, and check back later. #CoSoTips
"Say, this looks a lot like #Mastodon!"
Once upon a time, it was. What happened? Learn more here.
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.