"I just saw a Cloudflare error. What gives?"
This is a sure sign that upgrades or capacity improvements are happening on the back end. Take it as a sign that it's time to re-up your beverage of choice and check back soon. #CoSoTips
Fair warning: If you came here to troll this community, then we don't even have time to tell you what's going to happen to you. #CoSoTips
The difference between $5/mo here and $8/mo there is that we have no trolls, no bots, no ads, and you aren't being sold as a product by the whim of a malevolent billionaire's hubris.
The perks are pretty nice too. #CoSoRocks #CoSoTips
Welcome to CounterSocial! You probably skipped reading the Terms of Service, but we have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to community abuse. Our community is made up of real people, each of whom is responsible for curating their own experience.
For best results, pick an avatar and post about the things you like. Since there is no algorithm, hashtags are recommended, but not required.
Ours is a very helpful community, so ask if you have questions. We're glad you're here! #CoSoTips
"I'm seeing an error when trying to access CounterSocial. Why?"
This is a sure sign that upgrades are happening on the backend. Take it as a sign that it's time to re-up your beverage of choice, and try again later. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial officially launched FIVE YEARS AGO on November 17th, 2017. 20 days later, it had 10,000 users. Today, we're adding hundreds on a daily basis, many of whom have come to love what we're doing here.
Want to get us something nice? Consider leaving a positive review in your favorite app store, or lavish it up and go Pro. It takes a lot to keep an ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media oasis online, and we appreciate your contribution in whatever form it takes. #CoSoTips
Looking for a way to hide all media? There's a setting for that.
Hop into your preferences, and click on the "Media display" dropdown, then choose "Always hide all media". #CoSoTips
Seasoned CounterSocial users will use TEMPORARY FILTERS to briefly omit newsworthy events from their timelines.
Filter expiration can be set from 30 minutes to 1 week. #CoSoTips
"I'm getting a Cloudflare error when I try to access CounterSocial. Why?"
This is a sure sign that capacity upgrades or other backend improvements are occurring. Such outages are necessary to make room for our new friends, and are usually over within a few minutes.
Take it as a sign that it's time to re-up your beverage of choice and check back soon. #CoSoTips
"How can I tell if I am muted or blocked?"
If you're muted, there's no way for you to know. If you're blocked, then you will see a Profile Unavailable message where their posts would be when attempting to view their profile. #CoSoTips
Love following that person, but loathe how often they're boosting other people's posts?
Hop into their profile by clicking on their name, tap on their profile options, then choose "Hide Boosts from [username]".
Now you'll only see their posts in your "My friends" column. #CoSoTips
Does someone's lack of hashtags have you down? If so, then we have an elegant solution for you.
Soft Mute!
Mute the offender, but take a moment to uncheck the radio button in the prompt before clicking on the Mute button. Now you can see them, but only when they mention you. #CoSoTips
"Why is my CounterSocial app telling me that I have no internet connection?"
When not in use, the CounterSocial app severs your connection to our servers both for your safety and to preserve bandwidth. This often presents as a connectivity error in the app.
It will usually reconnect itself after a few moments, but if not, restarting the app usually fixes the problem. #CoSoTips
"I just saw a Cloudflare error. What's going on!?"
CounterSocial has been a constant state of rapid expansion ever since a bored billionaire decided to crater another social media network out of sheer hubris. If you're seeing this error, it means that we are expanding capacity.
Take it as a sign that it's time to re-up your beverage of choice, and try back later. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial looks very similar, but we are not Mastodon.
We have TONS of features that Mastodon simply doesn't have, and those features are what make us a unique social media oasis online.
So what happened? Long story short, Mastodon forced us to fork them five years ago. Learn more at the link below. #CoSoTips
Overwhelmed by the interface? Throw CounterSocial into a new tab and make that tab as "skinny" as you possibly can.
Now you've got pseudo-mobile mode! #CoSoTips
People are like flavors. You aren't going to like them all, and they're not all going to like you.
That's why in this place, you're highly encouraged to mute or block without hesitation. It isn't taken personally and is a vital part of curating your own experience here.
If you'd like to see it when they mention you, try a "soft mute" by muting them without hiding notifications. #CoSoTips
Does your post have a typo? There's no edit button here, but that's only because we have something better—and it's completely free.
Tap on the Post Options of your typo-laden atrocity and choose, "Delete & redraft". This will throw your post back into the editor so that you can mercilessly eradicate that pesky typo. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.