"Why are my photos sideways?"
Short version: You're shooting them wrong. Hold your device in landscape orientation to take your picture for best results, not just here, but everywhere.
Long version: CounterSocial actively scrubs all identifying metadata from the media files you upload, including device orientation. If you'd like to add it back, just make a small edit (crop, recolor, etc.) to your picture before you upload it. This will save orientation in a way that is preserved. #CoSoTips
@CoSoTips lol, "you're shooting them wrong."
Seriously though, you really are. Most screens and use-cases for photos are landscape. You can make your pictures much more useful in the future by always* shooting in landscape mode.
* Rare exceptions apply. Tall subjects should definitely be shot in portrait mode, but that'll require a minor tweak to make them orient properly here.