CounterSocial is not automatic. It is on you to curate your experience, and we provide many tools for you to do so.
None of those tools include complaining about content that you would prefer not to see.
Set up filters for terms you'd like to omit from your feeds, and mute or block anyone that you find to be disagreeable. Better yet, try to be more discerning about how you let other people's content affect you. Simply letting it scroll on by is always an option. #CoSoTips
@CoSoTips I have a question about #Pro and/or #donations & didn't see the answer in any place I looked. As a freelancer with inconsistent income, per month is a challenge. But I could pay for a whole year at once (at some point). However, I don't see that option. Is there a way to do so? Or is that a one-time donation, not Pro, and then I'd make another "donation" next year?
@DevonEllington @CoSoTips
I have suggested to Jester @th3j35t3r that he add a donation button to the site for exactly these circumstances.
I think he's mulling it over. So, we shall see.
There are times when I might have some extra $ and it would e nice to donate it to CoSo, beyond the PRO fee that I pay.
@CoSoTips Simply let it scroll on by...