Stephen King announces a new book...
"Never Flinch features intertwining storylines — one about a killer on a diabolical revenge mission and another about a vigilante stalking a feminist celebrity speaker. The novel features a host of familiar characters, including King's beloved Holly Gibney and gospel singer Sista Bessie, as well as riveting new faces that include a villain addicted to murder."
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"The Show Goes On"
~Taylor Goyette
The perfect song for todays political scene
@JanetZumba_FalPals @FrankCannon
90% of the people I know on FB I wouldn't want here.
I tried posting about CoSo on IG, but never had any luck in doing so.
@VelvetDuchess beautiful
@Jennyfoo2u red is my fav, but the bell sleeves. 😍
Good advice.
I know, right?? Love them
@CinnamonGirlE too bad it doesn't work well without downloading the app
NP in my other life
#infj * #teampineapple
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" JB
"The unexamined life is not worth living"