Cinny, when it comes to hair, shampoo and conditioner are only topical. It's more internal when it comes to hair and hair loss. Proper diet is key. Also, never dry your hair when it's soaking wet. Let it air dry to get most of the moisture out. Hair is most fragile when it's wet.
I personally take Biotin and it helps.
@Spagesgallo1 I saw my derm last week and discussed it with them. She feels like I have crossed the lexicon and it will start growing again. During the weight loss, I lost a ton of hair. I also had Covid right before that.
I have tons of baby hair coming back, but just want it to come back faster. I am using biotin as well. I'm probably the healthiest I have been in my adult life, but the weight loss was tough on my hair.
How often do you wash your hair? Washing often can strip out the oils that protect your hair and scalp, and artificial oils from product feel nice, but they're still not your body's.
Unless your hair gets dirty or greasy, you might want to try washing it _less_ often, and give it a chance to attend to itself.
Massaging your scalp can really be helpful. It stimulates blood flow and the skin.
@AskTheDevil @Spagesgallo1
Every three days or so since the loss. I have been doing scalp massage every night.
@AskTheDevil @Spagesgallo1
I can't do it every time I am stressed, lol. But nightly seems to work ☺️