Trying really hard to not just lose it over these imbeciles.
I can barely wait to see how this plays out. Probably with someone shooting someone who is wearing a mask.
@CinnamonGirlE Every citizen in this country should be outraged by the lack of work ethic and prioritization of our politicians in general. We paid them to go bow to Herr Trump this week.
I, for one, am. Feeling like we need something more severe than voting as an action. Not advocating a coup, mind you. But we are at the tipping point for sure.
Indeed we are. The college student protests are a conundrum as our own country is at the tipping point.
Where is the domestic rage and indignation?
I don’t get it.
@LnzyHou @MidnightRider
The country is full of apathy.
But zero apathy for the middle east war.
@LnzyHou @MidnightRider
I can't make it make sense.
@CinnamonGirlE @LnzyHou We are all merely Skinner's puppies.
@CinnamonGirlE @MidnightRider I fear the leaders, elites, oligarchs, captains of industry and strongmen who have been playing RISK(tm) with real people's lives, will shortly push humanity into a sudden realization that the social contract is broken, and all bets are off.
That typically gets ugly.
Ideally, I'd like to see 6 billion people just decide to stop working for the institutions that enslave us all, without all that killing each other shit.
But I doubt it'll end without any blood.
@CinnamonGirlE @MidnightRider I'd like to at least try. I'd like for us to start coming up with plans for humanity that don't involve how many deaths and whose are acceptable.
@AskTheDevil @MidnightRider
That would be great to see. But the probability of that happening without bloodshed? Unlikely .
@AskTheDevil @CinnamonGirlE @MidnightRider
It’s inevitable.
Oy. They ARE trying to out-Florida Florida, aren't they?
Not there yet, but We are not headed in a good direction.
@CinnamonGirlE Doesn't the "exception" make the entire exercise folly? Also, who is going to enforce this?