Then we veer off into how many men you start to find out were secretly sexual abusers. The past few years were pretty disturbing. And heartbreaking too. I always want to believe the best in people, but practical me knows that just isn't possible.
Chappelle is a good example.
Pretty controversial for plenty.
Redeeming social value indeed. This seems to be the problem. What is considered to hold social vaue now. Not static.
It's USUALLY a matter of degree and not kind...usually. Again, see Nugent, Skrewdriver, etc. Those are easy and clear cut extremes.
Artists, scientists, pols are human and say/do stupid shit on varying levels of stupidity as we know. "Redeeming social value" cliche has play here, if any is merited.
More exs -- many early enviros were racist and xenophobic. Our intel post-WW2 depended on Nazi scientists. Tradeoffs are 🤬
Less mortal? See JK Rowling, Chappelle, etc.