It is difficult to realize this, and certainly not something to be condoned. But, and you knew there was one, science is science. So that's what I am going with. Yes.
Right. Doubtful I am going to purchase any more Eric Clapton, but I still will listen to what I have.
@CinnamonGirlE @thedisasterautist i will not buy or read Marion Zimmer Bradley. i will no longer buy anything by JK Rowling or any of her pseudos, or any licensed merchandise.
I'm currently reading a Dean Koontz book, and it will be my last, @redenigma @CinnamonGirlE @thedisasterautist
He can't keep his crazy world views out of his fiction. Plenty of other authors for me to explore. 👍
@cmskiera @CinnamonGirlE @thedisasterautist in that case, avoid Orson Scott Card too...
@CinnamonGirlE: Same goes for comedy and art, AFAIAC.
If people really knew well the people whose art they admire, many would almost certainly find themselves in a quandary.
That said, whether one who has no problem with the art but with the artist *purchases* their art is another question entirely.