@MidnightRider @GaryPoole
Yes, kill all the bugs.
@MidnightRider @GaryPoole
Okay, not ALL of them. But a bunch of them!
@CinnamonGirlE @GaryPoole Just the ones near our homes and we're good. It's like the birds, build your nest in the birdhouses I made you or the woods. You build it in the security light spot and I have to feel badly every time you're out of the nest because I'm in the garage, that's getting fixed this year.
@MidnightRider @GaryPoole
I have a mount for my water hose on my house. The front opens up for attachments. A bird builds in there every year. I lean down to cut the hose on, it flies out and almost gives me a heart attack every time.
@CinnamonGirlE @GaryPoole They like what they like, it's interesting though because certain configurations natural to our homes become the Santa Barbara of the bird real estate world.
@CinnamonGirlE @GaryPoole Easy there Himmler, they are part of an important food chain! But less is more.