The most damaging lie we tell ourselves and each other is, "I grew up with (fill in the blank) and I turned out just fine," when in fact we didn't.
A little more introspection. And less bravado., please.
When you cycle the abuse to the next generation, you are not just fine, you become the abuser.
Don't just check yourself before you wreck yourself.. check yourself before you utterly wreck someone else.
And if you can't or won't do that, become a hermit.
Yes, I got triggered yesterday.
@ProudCanadianAthiest 🤣 Thinking of my mom whose foot eases off the gas pedal when she starts talking.
@publickovacs A lovely and thoughtful gift!
Man who has for decades failed to pay contracted workers, fraudulently stated the value of his assets, and filed bankruptcy six times bemoans the fact he cannot get an underwriter to secure his $454 Million dollar bond.
"eVeRYonE'S AgAinSt Me!!!"
Hey but that GoFundMe is alive and kicking with 24,000 donors.
@Siren_six This was excellent! Thank you for sharing.
The title for a male up to the age of 18 is Master. @Heucuva8 @redenigma
@altamaha Why do the laws of nature stymie us so????
@jaunty Perfect! 😍
And yes, Potato chips are a must have. If needed, pretzels could work in an emergency. 🤣
@tirebiter73 I nearly cried when in 1993 I moved to Arizona until I read the words, "West of the Rockies". LOL
What's so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?