
Twenty-three Virginia school districts have pulled books from their libraries during the past two years, according to a @ RTDNEWS investigation.
That's what manufactured fear and ages old bigotry looks like. Before a book is pulled based upon parental complaint, I think the parent must be able to demonstrate they actually read the book in its entirety and elucidate how the content of the book harms the student's ability to further understand themselves or the world.

@ChippySuave The GOP loves mindless hysteria. How many students were required to read the banned book? How many times was it checked out from the library? My guess is that no VA district will answer any question about a specific banned book.
The party that tells you not to trust govt to run elections claims that govt should tell your kids what they can read???


key word here is "EVERY"

jeez what would we be without
Catcher in the Rye?
Flowers for Algernon?
FARENHEIT 451 (!!)
and so many others ! and if I knew it was banned I'd look it up on the internet all the more 😜

"Some librarians I've interviewed for my own stories believe that while parents have the right to decide what their own children read, they disagree that all parents have the right to choose what 'EVERY' child can read."

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