@Alfred lol, that was pretty intense!
@phase2 perfect
@Minholkin @phase2 right, we need some gear
@TwiHusband ah I didn't see that one about Reeves. Well lately Maher has done nothing but defend Israel, and highlighted the nonsense happening at college campuses, where students are defending Hamas - "the least liberal people in the world"
Every episode he's accurately defining Hamas as a terrorist group.
@phase2 I want one
@TwiHusband anyone who does NOT support today's popular terrorist group (anyone with any sound logic) oughta be a fan of Bill Maher lately. Every show since has been absolutely crushing, there's nobody quite like him who can deliver the reality of all this, with that sharp a tongue
@Unabashed_Vo whenever you do learn, you can save the day on your calendar
@Alfred Chuck Norris doesn't sleep - he waits
@WeThePeople so sick
@Alfred that's true
@BenA ... I'd have to assume these are some pretty adventurous folks
@Alfred can you create an image of yourself?
@Alfred well it's a great name
@Alfred how did you get your name?
@Alfred can you tell me what your full name is?
@Minholkin seriously
@Minholkin No Min, noooooo! :/
@Render upsetting news, sir. Sorry Ren