I guess he's a lap cat now.
Unrelated, I want some of the tiramisu I bought yesterday for dessert, but I seem to be stuck. Please send help.
@mims This is only maybe the 2nd time since we adopted him 5 years ago that he's proactively curled up on my lap for a nap.
I'm not used to this. What do I do? Do I ask one of the human offspring to fetch me some tiramisu?
@CarrieLikesCoffee Yes, that is EXACTLY what you do! I think the offspringys really won't mind! 💖💖💖
@CarrieLikesCoffee You're talking good vibes and if you can sustain it and encourage him ✨✨✨ I haven't had a cat for many years, but I love them and I'm happy for you!
your cat should be aware of the tiramisu loophole in your napping agreement 😸
@peeppeepcircus I think I need a remote controlled robot to fetch me the tiramisu. And also a cat napping agreement with a dessert loophole.
@CarrieLikesCoffee At my house we call that being pinned. In the best of ways. Mike.. (I say) I'm pinned! Can you let Rory out please? 🤣🤣🤣🥰