@Minholkin 👍😂
I just finished installing a new set of under-cabinet LED lights in my kitchen
Feeling as chuffed as a rooster with a new pair of shoes
@Museek those are great!
@Bix @t_heislen @Mfieck @Charles_Hawtrey @SmokeytheWisecracker @jdtasker @phac3ti0us
How about Power Punk?
Buzzcocks - Orgasm Addict
@99reasons4truth I’ve begun observing Typo Sundat.
@Alfred I would like sustained release coffee. Create an image of what that would look like.
@damselfly59 😉😁🤣👍
@Copacetic_vibe your post is the first thing I read online after reading about Trump supporters praising his cabinet picks.
Shiny Happy People was read as Shitty, Crappy People.
@YouInMyEye you do find interesting videos!
@jdtasker great image!
@MrsBentoBako looks good, how many ounces to 2 squares of chocolate?