Does the “+” in LGBTQIA+ include couch, latex gloves, and/dolphin erotica or do we need to adVance to additional designations, identities, and preferences. I’m not a Sofasexual, but I understand why the Victorians covered the legs of their furniture.
🎶🎶🎶 She’s got legs and she knows how to use them🎶🎶🎶
@AskTheDevil while I agree with your points I do enjoy the runaway success of the couch-fucker tweet and piling on. The beauty of how plausible it is. It’s not to say I look at Vance and assume he’s a couch fucker, but the concept once introduced and damn it he looks like a Chaise chaser, a Divan diddler, a Camelback humper; aroused by a nice Tight Back Sofa.