I've been here for over five years. If there's one thing that I've learned, it's that CoSo isn't for everyone.
Don't like it here? Awesome. Go find someplace that will make you happy, and with our blessing.✌️ #CoSoRocks
@kel I understand your point...but..Devils advocate here: I appreciate honest input and constructive criticism on most anything. People think of amazing and ingenious solutions and I don't feel there's anything wrong with discussion. This doesn't take away from the community, it actually adds to it.
@kel yeah, guess we just differ in opinion. Having a list doesn't mean there isn't room for other ideas. Lists have to start somehow. It's all in the prioritization.
As for our fearless leader, yes, what he's done is absolutely amazing and I can't even believe what a great platform one man has built. I *do* wonder about the ability to scale and address the immense range of responsibilities associated with growth. I'm a believer so far but one person can only do so much.
@CameoSays Yeah, no.
There's one guy managing all of this, and he has a very long list of improvements to make. Your super rad feature idea isn't novel. It's mostly just annoying. #justsayin