Here’s someone else who is looking at a desperate GOP considering attacking the economy for their own gain:

@BookWorm33333 POTUS /Dems need to get out ahead of it as the GOP has nothing else to run on.

@AkomoCombine I think they are ahead of some of the worst of it. They’ve been chipping away at historical tactics parties use to defeat opponents before elections.
✅Biden Administration has been particularly successful with many of our allies and keeping USA out of wars.
✅Biden Administration has made a big dent in lowering the National Debt Trump racked up by the end the of his WH occupation. It’s a huge amount though and it’s not going to go away overnight.


@AkomoCombine So there are a few things GOP can use:

Biden’s age, Biden’s son Hunter and his now famous laptop, Stir up trouble with China - they could get Xi’s aid in this, Economy (especially since it’s getting sluggish) of which there are many ways to screw it up like getting large corporations on board to price gauge, underpay, not raise the debt ceiling, etc & let’s not forget the fun they can have with Immigration issues which Biden hasn’t done enough.


@BookWorm33333 great thread - thank you 🙂 ! have wondered about this and thought maybe it was far fetched, not so it appears.

@UmbaSaffire I thought exactly the same thing. They keep holding the Debt Ceiling hostage, so really, it isn’t far fetched.

I’m going to keep adding to this thread as information comes along.

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