I don't watch Fox/OAN or any of those, but I recently watched a Seth Myers "Closer look" where he showed clips of all these talking heads on those networks trashing Taylor Swift, and to a lesser extent, Travis Kelce.

From "oh most of her songs are about picking the wrong guy so don't take her political pick seriously" to "I wish these entertainers would stay out of politics" to "she's a government plant" or even hilariously "she's just some gold digger after Kelce's money."


I don't get all the hate directed at her suddenly. Like I said, I don't watch those bozos, were they trashing her before she started dating him? Like suddenly Taylor Swift, who sells out concerts in minutes, has to sneakily date a football player to brainwash young people into voting? 🙄

I don't really listen to her music, but the songs I've heard are catchy and it's obvious the girl has a lot of talent. From stories I've read, it seems like she's nice, and smart, and a fabulous role model.



@nonayadambidnes I don't get the hate/fixation at all, I completely tuned it out

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