It’s not normal to live in a world where thousands of nuclear warheads are aimed at the enemy and terrorism is an acceptable religious act—they are merely the norm. —Deepak Chopra

I'm a big proponent of free speech. I think once you start policing speech, it's just a big grey area of power to whoever gets to define/enforce speech laws. That said, we already do police speech. Every public free speech proponent I've seen agrees direct calls to violence should be illegal. But isn't that just a grey area of power for whoever gets to decide what constitutes a direct call to violence? I lean toward just punishing action, not speech. Fight evil speech with noble speech.

What's up everybody! Brand new to COSO. I posted an invitation to my newsletter on Facebook and it got taken down for "violating community standards" and that prompted me to start looking for alternatives and now I'm here and looking forward to seeing what it's all about!


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