Oh puhlease... On Morning Joe they're cheering Joe Biden won the South Carolina primary by 94% of the vote.

Of course he did! Look at who the DNC allowed to run against their anointed candidate and look at the debate results (non-existent). DNC didn't get the hint that anointing HC in 2016 gave away the Presidency. Democracy should be about giving the people good choices.

@Priestess democracy should be about the people determining the choices, slightly different framing


True. 👍

Let me expand on that just a bit ...

Here in NC, the Republican and Democrat duopoly of state legislators created laws to stymie any competition. The petition requirement for President this year is over 83,000 signatures. Here's a portion of what my ballot will look like:

Right now I'm researching professional companies who are hired to collect petition signatures for candidates.

So far, the costs per signature vary from $.25 per signature to $16.83 per signature.

No wonder candidates can't afford to run for office in some states unless they are backed by either the DNC, RNC, or deep pockets from big money lobbies.

Here in NC, 84,000 signatures might cost about $8 per signature. That would be $672,000 just for petition signatures! Wow!

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