An ideal country for an oligarch:
1. political campaigns based on funding not capabilities
2. Reduced educational opportunities
3. Population highly influenced by propaganda and conspiracy theories
4. A "Me-Generation" rather than "We-Generation" mentality in culture
5. Worship of narcissistic/sociopathic traits rather than worry
@kel years of sub-par schooling with the goal of dumbing-down America combined with a culture rooted in the "Me-Generation", propaganda and corporate $$$ more powerful in politics than it should be...
@th3j35t3r I'm still leaning more towards putting him in the "sociopath" category. Narcissist seems a bit too tame on this spectrum.
@michaelredmond @therickwilson
I used to not like him but he's proved himself braver than the whole shitpile of turds backing McConnell. They aren't backing the president.
Unbelievable technology- in 2 1/2 weeks after having a complete new hip installed I am able to go back to work half time. Can't drive yet (driving side was operated on) and still on good drugs, but wow. Beyond grateful and glad to be back on CoSo. #CoSoTech
CounterSocial is trying to redefine Social Media, but we can't do it alone. Please consider helping out. Giant thanks to everyone who has already! And if you haven't yet - read this or be an equilateral rectangle >>
@Airborne_Frog We call them "Malinuts" :)
They also keep hammering "It wasn't a Quid Pro Quo - there was no Quid Pro Quo". They are misleadingly saying this because Trump didn't literally say to Zelensky "Here's the Quid Pro Quo trade: your investigation statement for our $". Trump, in true mob form, laid out the QPQ with plausible deniability in mind. The mob doesn't say "Pay or I kill your kids" they say "Nice kids. Be a shame if they got hurt. I can protect them, for a fee." and everyone knows what they mean.
@EnochianEntropy huh...oh ..."THEIR"...I get it...I knew someone would get political with my body parts somehow someday...
Hey yo. Huge thanks to all those stepping up to the COSO SOS Call. All contributors BIG AND SMALL are VERY MUCH appreciated.
Took a lot for me to swallow my pride and ask for crowdfunding help but... well anyway.
Let's do this. Many thanks to everybody - even if you all you do is share the link below - everything helps 👍 👊
@EnochianEntropy I already emailed them asking for my femur and oddly enough, they never replied...:)
Artist, musician, psychotherapist. Lover of animals and some humans. I'm the one who can't decide on raising horns or giving the finger in the cover photo 🎭