What is all this bullshit from the Washington Post Op-Ed writer. It is simple, she is a woman. She should not have to show you her lady bits.
@Bix what a joke of a op-ed
In my experience, the premise is totally false: people are actually shockingly bad at gendering people. I have this from personal experience; I am tall and angular, with big hands, but I have been referred to as "that tall girl" at a time when my hair was only slightly longer than the normal male cut. I find myself uncertain about cisgender people's sex a lot, and if people didn't use gendered cues to communicate it, the confusion level would probably be about 20% of both sexes.
@Bix So the argument here is let's not consider misgendering because that's (don't check the numbers on this) something people usually get right?
"...reports that she tested..."
They referring to the tests done by the discredited committee? The one that won't release proof of anything?
They can fuck the fuck off. π