
How about letting people make their own choice about whether to have children?

@Bix LOL--I thought the gubmint was going to force everyone to get gay married--now they want us to procreate?



Where are the countries going? Are they going to sink into the ocean? πŸ˜‚

@Bix Japan does a lot right to get the countries birthrate up. It is still expensive to live, & eat.


That might happen here, Elon, bc your asshole republican buddies have changed a law that can keep women healthy and able to reproduce.

Ever notice that the groups who make the most noise/panic over the so-called "falling birth rate" are the same groups of people who most need to disappear (conservatives, bigots, white supremacists, right-to-lifers & other religious nut-cases)?
We are 8.1 Billion strong & still growing, the birth rate would have to seriously plummet to make any kinduva dent. 🌧🌏🌦

@Bix They did. But apparently when people live in an apartment the size of a shoebox, work all the time, and have no future but the grind, thet stop _wanting_ to have children.

It's weird how if you make life miserable and pointless, people stop wanting things.

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