@QueenOfEverything yes of course! The thriller novel is called “Bell’s Codex” and the code book is called “my magnum opus.” The ciphertext is only available in print. The ebook only has the translation.
Bell's Codex https://a.co/d/g6CJ8oh
my magnum opus (Bell's Codex Book 2) https://a.co/d/iROrI88
@corlin they are available in printed versions but only available through Amazon as they are the ones that print them. I am of mixed feelings. Amazon is not great but they did allow me to have a platform to share this with the world so I am genuinely grateful for that. People can buy my books and I get reasonable royalties for them. You are still supporting an indie author/artist. For all that is bad about Amazon, this is a really great thing they do. The code is only available in print.
The full story of the most epic piece of art I have ever made.
@JeniRizio haha that is so great! I am an author too. Believe it or not I am using the name Jen in my work in progress. Great minds.
I have no idea why, but I came up with a limerick today. I didn’t try to. It thrust itself upon me. I don’t understand my mind sometimes but I thought you guys would appreciate it. Enjoy!
One day my friend Gregory Grant
Left home in a singular pant
He said my left knee’s
Really going to freeze
While my right’s like a tropical plant
New video. There are no rules in art. It is terrifying but liberating. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8TaCKMY/
New video, how we view the world is often a reflection of our own intentions. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT87Tbs8h/
New video. Stay true to your dreams! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Wq2JSM/
New video. Don’t get hung up on the success or failure of an individual piece of art. It’s just noise. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8s7CTmH/
New video! I made another painting and recorded the process! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8stXg43/
@LnzyHou that must be awful. Sorry to hear that.
I made my first painting in 5 months! Want to see it?
New daily video. Cause a little mischief with your art. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8pXsU6w/
New daily video! Art has the power to heal. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8p6K7Yx/
@nonayadambidnes thanks!
@nonayadambidnes I haven’t forgotten about this. The whole family has been sick the past two weeks so things are a little bit of a challenge right now.
Artist, Author, Musician, Blogger, Engineer, Husband, Father. Looking for other creatives to connect with. Born: 🇬🇧 Live: 🇺🇸 — 🎺🎺