Stamp is carved! Love how this came out. I will explain the meaning/significance in a blog post at some point in the future. Currently putting polyurethane on the block and then I will assemble! #art #meditation
@MrGoat here it is!
@MrGoat thanks!
@BipolarArtist Dude that's excellent! @MrGoat
@stueytheround @MrGoat thank you so much! Excited to take this out for a spin when it is all assembled. Think I’m going to leave a bunch of these laying around.
@BipolarArtist poly on a lino block? please explain. i haven't done lino blocks in a couple decades so i'm out of the loop... what am i missing? does it help with warping?
@redenigma oh no, sorry I was kind of unclear. Doing poly on the wood block that this rubber speedball block will be glued to. This will be a stamp, and I am putting polyurethane on the wooden parts.
@BipolarArtist ah, that makes sense. protect the base
@redenigma yep! It will be getting paint thinner on it whenever I clean the stamp so I want to protect the wood.
@BipolarArtist bad ass!