Well, I think I am going to start by learning how to use blender.


It's a pretty joyous program to use imho.

I'm still learning the ins and outs myself but what I have learned is INCREDIBLY powerful and gives a lot in terms of creativity.

The fact that it also ships with a Python API is *chefs kiss*


@KAutumnrain awesome! I have watched a couple tutorials and I’m excited. Been doing engineering 3D modeling for like 23 years. I used 3DS Max a few times in college and I’m a fairly creative person so I am hoping this won’t be too hard to wrap my head around. It definitely looks powerful.


I haven't used too much Max but my late stepfather used it for work.

I can't imagine you'll have too much difficulty wrapping your head around it. I don't know if it's particularly 'easy' to approach but with your experience especially the workflow *should* fall into place pretty readily from my understanding.

@KAutumnrain cool, yeah it seems like it will be pretty intuitive, but I’m just going to jump in and see what I can do!

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