As an artist, I go where the wind takes me. Sometimes I like to sketch. Sometimes I go on an epic, year and a half journey developing my own cryptographic cipher and novel alphabet and use it to encrypt a book and then weave all the clues for how to solve it into a thriller novel. You know, just going with the flow of my completely normal mind.

@BipolarArtist Oh that is so cool! If you published that you'd make a fortune. A few years ago they did a reprint of "Cain's Jawbone" (after some TikTok person talked about it) and offered a prize to the first person who solved it.

@nonayadambidnes haha I did publish it! If you have any ideas for how to turn it into a fortune, I am ALL ears!

Bell's Codex

my magnum opus (Bell's Codex Book 2)

@BipolarArtist Oh wow, I've got those both bookmarked for next time I have some extra $!

In the case of "Cain's Jawbone" it was a TikTok video that spurred the popularity of it - of course it was after the original author was long dead lol. 😄

I'm really impressed with the alphabet you created. Maybe you could do a short video showing some of the pages with a voice over talking about Lucas Bell and do it as a Facebook reel or TikTok or something? It's really cool!

@nonayadambidnes thanks! So glad you like it! Yeah I will post about it on TikTok and make a reel and see where it goes. Thanks!

@BipolarArtist Please let me know when you get it done and I'll share it too. 🙂

Also check into people who do book reviews online - there are a lot that you need to pay for reviews, but some do it free because they love to read, it will help with exposure. Basically you just have to give them a free copy of the book.

@nonayadambidnes I made this TikTok video about my books and tied it into the theme of the videos I have been making there.

Then I uploaded the video as a reel on Facebook.


@nonayadambidnes I have looked at many avenues as an author for promotion and the competition is fierce and the scams overwhelmingly outweigh the real reviewers. I tried promoting it a lot, now I am just working on writing my next book. It makes me feel great that you are interested in it though!

@BipolarArtist What about writing a post on boredpanda? Talk a bit about you and your background, how you came up with the idea for the books, creating the cypher and alphabet etc, show a couple screenshots of the code and images of the books etc...?

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