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Bear7962 boosted

From Rep. Katie Porter:
' we need to protect Social Security and Medicare, and stand up to big corporations (unlike my opponent who has said he would cut Social Security and Medicare).

Let me be clear: Prices are high because of corporate greed and price gouging. Congress should have the courage to stand up to them. I’m proud to be leading the fight to stand up to corporate special interests, and thankful to have your support so I can continue my work in Congress."

Bear7962 boosted

Wisconsin Republicans Stand on the Verge of Total, Veto-Proof Power

In a 50-50 battleground state, Republicans are close to capturing supermajorities in the State Legislature that would render the Democratic governor irrelevant even if he wins re-election.

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Wisconsin Republicans Humbly Suggest They Should Win Every Election, Regardless of How People Vote

One party's control of the legislature is "voter-proof." Now they're pledging to "reform" the elections infrastructure.

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Bear7962 boosted

@Bear7962 So sorry. I sent the NYTimes app some feedback. Perhaps they will help.

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Rick Scott: "I don’t know one Republican" in favor of slashing retirees’ benefits

This from the guy who literally wrote the platform which clearly shows he intends to "sunset" SS

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Many of us are particularly sensitive to folks calling @th3j35t3r a grifter because J is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE.

Our host gives of his OWN resources to cover the difference when the community misses the 100% mark, which has been every month save a few rare exceptions.

Doing this while constantly improving, managing, and protecting the place we call home.

Grifter is egregious and completely wrong.

CoSo is a labor of love, not financial leverage.


Bear7962 boosted

If you are bugged out by the default night mode we use here on Counter.Social you can add DarkReader Extension to your browser with the link below.

Using it's "Light Mode" set your settings accordingly:
+45 brightness
+30 contrast
+50 Sepia


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For all the new folks !

Glad y'all here. You might find the layout confusing at first. But it really is efficient, and information dense.

CoSo is best viewed on the web. Because you have more real-estate to set up columns the way you want.

Click on any Hashtag, like , or any other, a new column will appear. On the far right. You can pin this new column so it is permanent.

Users Guide

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If you click on a hashtag you will create another column on the right for posts using that hashtag.

You can use the settings box
to pin that column to always be visible. From there you can add more hash tags to that column so all your interests are in one place.

Thank you all for the good thoughts at my pity party. I hope someone brought treats😀

I am soooooo bored. Broke my foot and sitting with my foot elevated is not the fun time you might think it is. At least I should have time for visiting in COSO.

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Not guaranteed by the Constitution, you say? You know what else isn't guaranteed by the Constitution?

That there be only 9 SCOTUS justices.

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Bear7962 boosted

Joyce Vance wrote:
'Odd that the Supreme Court is acting like they’re under assault, when it’s actually us who are under attack by them.'

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🧵OK. So. SafeGraph. Learned this today while standing on the shoulders of giants.

Thanks to Nandini Jammi.

A handful of men in adtech are planning to get rich off selling the data of any woman attempting to secure an abortion directly to law enforcement.

Here are faces of the men behind SafeGraph and their investors.

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Bear7962 boosted
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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.