Personal Note:
Just cut my morning forest walk about short, it was 10ºF out, no rain, or snow, but the forest floor was 'crunchy", and I did not have traction device on my boots.
My friend in hospital, is doing better. But I spent a couple of hours arguing with family members about his DNR.
Part of it is just that people don’t know enough to know what they don’t know.
Coffee me please.
Unsolicited advice:
If you have a family member that you have had no contact with in years, live in another state, and they become seriously ill. You arrive in the hospital room, and start giving orders to the doc and the nurses. Please be prepared to get push back from friends and family that actually know what is what.
And No we won't form a "prayer circle" to make you feel better.
end rant.
@singlemaltgirl @corlin Wondering if it was the “patient” that had removed the pushy people from his life.