I bought a wyze doorbell camera and realized I had no idea how to install it. now, I am getting quotes to have a professional to install it. well, to install the transformer and run the cord up to the door since it's a wired door bell
@Agatha I don't from what I see unless they took it out and hid it under the siding. I haven't checked the attic though that a good idea. I'm going to check the attic to see.
Look for a long thin 2 wire cord. Often red and white, but not always. Start from where your existing doorbell is and follow it back.
@Agatha confirmed not up there. returning smart door bell plan to by a battery operated one.
Well poop. Did you already get quotes and it was too expensive? Certified electricians where I am are pricy and usually have a long wait. 😔
@Agatha yes approx 300 its just the way my house is setup
@Agatha just to costly
I know it. I do my own wiring at home. I know where to draw the line though. I'll have a proper electrician replace my panel. It's ancient.
Do you already have a wired "old fashion" doorbell? Typically they're already hooked up to a transformer (ours is mounted to a rafter in the attic) as doorbells need the line voltage dropped from 110V (US) to 24V or lower, depending on the doorbell.