Have you ever had issue you couldn't solve so you just stopped took a break then come back to realize how simple it was to resolve?

Have you heard of mind linking? I'm sober just something funny there is storey behind this

I came up with bedtime story for my step daughter it was something I made out out of the blue related my little brother will he's in his 30s the story consist of him being afraid of things and seeking help for it. Every time this little girl falls a sleep to even her friends have fell asleep to this story.

I have so much fun wasting a scam callers time. The goal is to keep them on as long as I can before they hang up on me.

I’m on the Johnson copping a squat in my watches says keep up the pace.

Finally got taxes done. got that out of the way. I notice federal is refund is much lower then the previous years and I pay in the same amount to state. but I look on the bright side it's done.

The best thing to get as a step dad. It’s random but I look at this everyday

I'm looking for alternative to on star? any ideas

some how some way I was able to get access to my yahoo email. I remember it like yesterday having lots of spam and looking not so clean and yahoo has sure steped up it's email game

it's odd to say I have tv I can talk to and i will shut off by voice and turn on by voice. hopefully no one sends me a voice clip at 3 am and I play it and it turns on the tv

I had this excel function that I forgot to save. have to start all over but its okay. for the love of bacon I just need to hit the dang save button.

my mom wants Apple watch but I feel like she would get confused. Are there any other watches that have fall detection? I can't think of any off the top of my head

creating personal email server progress - the ip was listed on spamhus and was blacklisted on Hotmail but after adding al the proper dkim, spf, dmarc manage to make it so the emails now come in hotmail and gmail no problems.

creating personal email server progress - the ip was listed on spamhus and was blacklisted on Hotmail but after adding al the proper dkim, spf, dmarc manage to make it so the emails now come in hotmail and gmail no problems.

I managed to get an email server set up. I’m more testing it to see how reliable it is.

I'd like to build my own email server.. been trying to think of a domain name any ideas

Anyone use lavabit? ever used there support?

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