I will grant that my views on socialism are probably a result of spending my life being chewed up by the gears of capitalism, but I'm a (seemingly rare) college-educated working-class white progressive that believes in racial justice and LGBT+ rights and expansive abortion access. how is that a function of my class? y'all are always telling me the working class is conservative, explain me then.
@dietotaku When people get addicted to opiates, when the doctor cuts them off, they often turn to street drugs and black market versions of those drugs.
I think giving opiates sparingly and for limited periods, with _education_ about not continuing to take them is better than prohibition, though.
The backlash against opiates has made it harder for people who need pain management to get it.
I have a relative for whom only tramadol provides relief and lets them function and hold down a job.
@AskTheDevil @dietotaku I'm on 25 different meds, for various conditions, and one of them is (now, because I just got bumped up to it) is Oxycodone, daily, for the rest of my life...without it, I'm non-functional. It is also taken with Flexeril, and it's effin NECESSARY.
When your neurosurgeon looks at your MRI and visibly winces, you know it's bad.
"Getting high" off this stuff is impossible when you take it daily, you simply can't get any euphoria from it anymore. Just takes the edge off.