@Stevo bathtub with a mattress thrown over you is your best bet
been trying my hand at some electronic music these days. Here's a sample
@KodoAndSangha @peeppeepcircus
A friend of mine has her mini chickens inside and has potty trained them in a litter box. maybe this is an option since they are still young.
Hi, thanks so much for the warm welcome!!
it def did take some effort lol. That and if the wind hit you the wrong way, you'd catch a nice drift of whiplash. haha
@Cynanthrope awww thanks so much, they just love putting them on and get so excited when i get their sets out for the day
Hi everyone! It's me! I love my fur-kids, art, nature,music, color, light, shadows and everything in the universe that's positive as fuck! !!