
did anybody watch the Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden 100th show?

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@Armchaircouch is that one that the network cut off before it was actually finished?

@Armchaircouch yeah there was a concert within the last couple weeks that the network cut off before the concert was over so they were going to replay the whole concert in full again

@Armchaircouch no but I just read something about a network programming timing error?

I love Billy Joel (I listen to him every day). Iโ€™d love to see that show!

๐Ÿ˜‚ I dont know but ima bout to find out cause Mom recorded it and itโ€™s almost over @Valkyrie_D

@Armchaircouch Have you seen his 100th show of the Madison Square Garden residency? My wife and I streamed it last week and it was excellent.

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