‘deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon were increasing when Bolsonaro took office, but skyrocketed on his watch, record outbreaks of fires over the last two years have drawn global attention to Bolsonaro’s efforts to roll back environmental protections & overhaul environmental regulatory agencies. 2.7 million+ acres were [DECIMATED] in 2020, highest total in 12 years.
Ecocide at this level has to be considered as a crime against humanity.
W. Bourdon, attorney for Chiefs Raoni and Almir’
Brazil's President Bolsonaro would be a terrific start to this!
Donal Trump should also make their list of top 100 for prosecution too!
yes, and on the meeting this morning, that’s in this thread mentioned, somebody asked will corporations be held liable for their destruction, and one of the legal girls pointed out that criminal law is not applicable retroactively, and they have the benefit of time, time to make changes to clean up their act so they cannot be held liable for destruction. And some big oil companies are already on this vein of activity, greening up. Good stuff @naikarrah
Ecocide law will emerge in force in this lifetime. there’s a masterclass today, 11 pounds,
‘Green Criminology: The Case for the Crime of Ecocide. Governance for more Just Futures
Green criminology [involves] the study of harms and crimes against the environment broadly conceived, including the study of environmental law and policy, the study of corporate crimes against the environment, and environmental justice from a criminological perspective.’